Friday, 22 August 2014


In various parts of the world, experts are vying to find a treatment for premature ejaculation. There are a variety of methods suggested by using a variety of viewpoints, ranging from pharmaceutical, natural treatment to psychological therapy. One of the psychological therapy is often used for curing premature ejaculation is the method of stop-and-start, which is a related method of behavioural Psychology (cognitive).

Benefits of Stop and Start Method
Stop and Start method aims to help the sufferer control itself and have more control over their ejaculation ability; This is an approach to premature ejaculation is probably a bit different to the usual we hear, but can be used as an alternative to trying to heal yourself before going to the doctor.

Here's how to do it:

- The man masturbate with your hands dry. Do until almost ejaculated, and then stop until ereksinya disappears. This is done three times, and during that time, the three men should be able to control myself not to ejaculate again. New on the fourth time he can ejaculate.

- If you have no difficulty doing so, try to repeat with a hand applied gel, for simulation of real se*. Do the same thing to the men could control themselves as easily as in the first stage.

This technique is useful for stimulating a stronger self-control, but it's good to go to the doctors as well as offsetting, because these treatments resulted in a hefty psychic effect.

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