Friday, 22 August 2014


Asthma is a disease that until now has not yet found a cure for healing in total. However, this disease can be reduced little by little. There are berbaga ways that can be done to reduce these diseases so that patients will not suffer a relapse. One of them is to undergo therapy for asthma. Therapy can be done by way of training the body's durability.

Endurance training body
Asthma can be triggered due to a weak body endurance. This turns out to be reduced by doing the therapy of asthma and how to train your body's endurance. Things that can be done to train the body's durability is by way of exercising. Asthma sufferers who are already quite severe can even relapse when doing an exhausting sport.

At first, this therapy can be done with a very light workouts. Do it regularly until the body becomes used to it. When the body is already getting used to it again, increase exercise done to finally do a sport that increasingly heavy. But the level of sporting activities that are carried out must also be adjusted. Not to force myself to do more strenuous sports again.

Things like this will train your endurance asthmatic body so asthmatics won't be easy relapse just because a little fatigue.

Asthma therapy like this proven and may reduce the frequency of recurrence of the disease of asthma. Even though not a total cure, but this will be very helpful.

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