Friday, 22 August 2014


In the evening, you may experience shortness of breath caused due to cold temperatures or other factors. This happens due to disorderson the respiratory tract and can be caused due to heart diseases and bronchitis. Even pregnant women were not the asthmatics can also experience shortness of breath at night.

The Cause Of

The event of shortness of breath, breath normally reads because the respiratory tract that narrows. This condition commonly experienced by sufferers of certain illnesses, such as bronchitis sufferers. Bronchitis sufferers typically have weak immune systems, and can worsen over time, particularly at night.

Due to the decline of the immune system, the body becomes weak and so inflamed and swollen and bronchitis. This swelling causes the mucus that inhibits the flow of breath, that happened in a congested respiratory patients.

The breath of the suddenly congested at the moment someone sleep actually is not a symptom that can be taken lightly. Many dangerous diseases that his appearance is characterized by shortness of breath at night. Among these are gastroesofagus (GERD) disease, a disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Asthma, sleep apnea, and even heart disease also begins with this condition.


The most appropriate handling of breath tightness that appears at night is to tackle the cause. For example, attacks that occur due to bronchitis to be overcome by treating bronchitis itself. However, to eliminate the tightness and pain at the time of the attack to occur, sufferers can relieve while with inhalers.

Shortness of breath that often occurs at night would be quite dangerous in children and the elderly. Should the patient checked himself into the doctor to knowledge the cause and get the proper treatment at early stages.

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