Friday, 22 August 2014


Smoking has a content which obviously can damage the body. As a result, heavy smokers are at risk is higher for suffering a variety of ailments, including shortness of breath. Even worse, the risk of respiratory disorders is not only experienced by smokers active, but also passive smokers are people around him who also suck out smoke.

The onset of shortness of breath in smokers

Every time someone smokes, the condition of his lungs will continue to deteriorate. Smokers are prone to suffer from obstructive lung disease, which interferes with the way the breath of patients due to the destruction of lung tissue. As the name suggests, obstructive lung disease chronic (COPD) is a condition characterized by blockage in channel of the breath.

Even worse, this blockage is settled, so that the patient does not only suffer from shortness of breath, but also are at risk of experiencing symptoms that endanger lives. In short, breath shortness in smokers are generally caused by respiratory health disorders caused by this bad habit.

The habit of smoking in pregnant women

The habit of smoking in pregnant women is dangerous, not only for the mother but also for the fetus. Upon research, a MOM who smoke suffer shortness of breath at high risk and to pass it on to the baby it contains. As a result, the children are more susceptible to asthma or shortness of breath since he was a baby.

There is no other way for pregnant women to avoid this risk, though smoking has become his habit. Indeed, stop the smoking habit is not an easy job, especially for the addicts smoking. Special therapy needed to reduce addiction. Essentially, the awareness to stop smoking should emerge from the inside of the smoker itself.

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