Friday, 22 August 2014


If you suffer from symptoms of redness and itching if eating certain foods, be certain that you suffer from food allergies. Allergy is actually a protection procedures by our immune reactions which give rise to hypersensitivity. Surprisingly, the number of allergy sufferers women more than men, and have not found the cause why this is so.

The cause of the occurrence of food allergies
To protect our body from developing infections because bacteria and viruses, the immune system produces antibodies to fight bacteria or viruses that get into the body. There are many different types of proteins developed by antibodies, and one of them is the immunoglobulin protein. Proteins that can trigger the onset of allergy as the immune system in some people producing these proteins in response to the entry of a food. System antibodies that people cannot distinguish that incoming food is not a virus or bacteria causes infection.

The foods that commonly triggered allergic

• Cow's milk and other dairy products
• Nuts
• Seafood such as fish, shrimp, or crab
• Foods containing synthetic flavoring substances

The symptoms of itching and Red rashes on the skin occurs because immunoglobulin protein produces a chemical called histamine in response to food allergy triggers are entered into the pencernakan. Chemical substances that are responsible for the onset of hives, swollen bumps or swellings on the skin. To overcome the sufferer can take drugs containing antihistamines, but the most appropriate way is to avoid the consumption of the foods that can trigger an allergic reaction. Isn't it better to prevent than treat, isn't it?

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