Friday, 22 August 2014


who still love the lazy brushing my teeth before going to bed? Or still love lazy use mouthwash? From now on, you should throw away bad habits, because you certainly don't want exposed to the disease of cancer of the mouth, or oral cancer. This disease is a disease that breed in the area of the oral cavity & oropharynx. Most are at the base of the mouth and tongue.

The occurrence of cancer of the mouth

The disease begins with the widespread disease of cells through the lymphatic system, and then carried by lymph nodes. Well, usually the first cells found in lymph nodes in the neck area, can also be spread on the lungs, and others. Differently from healthy cells through the cycle of life and death, bad oral cancer cells continue to multiply, mutate, and spread. As a result, if not handled properly, this disease will easily spread to other parts of the oral cavity.

The risk of the occurrence of disease higher in smokers and people who drink alcohol, because the bad substances on alcohol and tobacco can trigger the disease cells proliferation of evil. Family factors can also play a role against the risk of the occurrence of this disease in a person.

Treatment of oral cancer

Oral cancer is usually treated with surgery to remove the affected tissue cell diseases. The patient will typically get plastic surgery on cheeks and lips. If necessary, patients may also undergo surgery cheekbones, and doctors will graft the bones from other parts of the body. In addition to operations, also can with radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Prevention of oral cancer can be done by brushing the teeth regularly and maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, avoid smoking and alcohol, and expand the consumption of fruit and vegetables.

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