Friday, 22 August 2014


Typically, se*ual dysfunction problems such as weak desire just became a staple of men's problems, as if the women can't have those problems. Women can also experience se*ual dysfunction problems, however the term weak desire will not be exact but hipose*sualitas or frigidity. se*ual dysfunction is usually marked by the reluctance of women to have se*.

Slightly different from men, many women did not feel itself problematic if experienced frigidity. A new problem emerged when the woman is in a relationship of marriage, because of the reluctance to have se* can make a marriage becomes less harmonious, the same effects as if men had of weak orgasm.

The Cause Of
Weak orgasm in women this frigidity alias can be caused by several things:

• Past Trauma related to se*uality, so that makes women afraid to expose yourself to have se*.

• The less comfortable and confident with your body or its appeal.

• The consumption of drugs or certain hormones which can make the walls of the vagina constrict or twitched.

• Decrease in the hormone estrogen can decrease se*ual desire, usually occurs during menopause.

Weak orgasm in women is not impossible, but if it is a wedding, should have an impact on work done not only from his party, but also supported her partner; for example with the initiative that invites chatting, or try harder to build an intimate atmosphere so that women feel comfortable.

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