Thursday, 14 August 2014


Causes and Factors of Heart Disease-Heart disease risk is still the No. 1 killer of chronic diseases in the world so that it becomes a very scary thing for the community. Worsening of the disease in the human body because the public is less aware of and understand the symptoms of this disease in the body. Though knowing the symptoms and things that can trigger the onset of the disease, can be prevented before it occurs it is more severe. Uncontrolled food can be the cause of most heart disease first.

A regular diet if the habit
as early as possible will reduce the risk of heart disease in humans. In addition to the food there are several things that cause this disease, among others:
High blood pressure, the most dominating thing deaths due to heart disease is high blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure or hypertension, cardiovascular health should be check regularly at least 3 times a year.

High cholesterol, Do not underestimate the increased levels of cholesterol in the body, as this is the second cause of heart disease that lead to death. High cholesterol can interfere with the blood supply and transport in the body.
Descendants, A person with a family history of heart disease, the person's chance of developing the same disease.

Life style, A person with an irregular lifestyle, such as rarely exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking have a high chance against heart disease.

In addition to the above four causes, age and gender are also factors that influence this disease. Heart disease primarily affects men than in women aged over 65 years. This fatal disease requires us to be more vigilant and understand the symptoms that may occur in our bodies. Therefore, society should regularly check blood pressure, and heart health their.

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