Diabetes mellitus is one of the illnesses that simply feared by everyone; even many who say that diabetes a.k.a. diabetes is a disease for life. In addition, sufferers of this disease are also prone to other diseases due to the weakening of the function of the tissue in the body. Prognosisnya very bad, ranging from stroke to impotence. Basically, diabetes is a lifestyle disease, so prevention also by changing lifestyles.
Sugar levels in the blood are responsible as the cause of diabetes mellitus. The buildup of blood sugar occurs due to the occurrence of disturbances within the body's metabolic system, because the pancreas is unable to produce the hormone insulin which is required for burning the food substances. Glucose is important as a source of energy, but if simply applied excessively in the blood, the result is diabetes. The bottom line, the food you consume on a daily basis can determine what will happen in your blood.
Well, how can you suspect diabetes risk in you? You can recognize it by the following symptoms:
• Frequent urination; due to the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas, the sugar in the blood can not digest and should be expelled through the urine.
• Weight loss; When the sugar in the blood increases, many nutrients are wasted due to get carried away with sugar that is not digested. Terhambatnya metabolism may inhibit the digestion of other nutrients.
• Limp and not powered
• Fast hungry
• Easy haus
• Luka in the skin quickly deteriorate and hard recovery
If you are experiencing early symptoms of diabetes mellitus on top, then you'd better start paying attention to the health conditions carefully and your lifestyle.
*images editing from wikipedia
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